Artist, Tattoo Legend, Grafic Designer, Filmmaker, Youtube
I am lily lu and im a full time artist since 2 decades. In my past i was known under the name little swastika ( swastika stands for the buddhist symbol of the buddha and luck – absolutly not related to horrible nazi stuff) . I created a own tattoo genre with my own style and im worldwide known for this annd many art pieces i done with this medium. From fully body tattoo suits to pieces over 4 bodys till my ‘third dimension’ piece what was a art-tattoo-instalation and one extended tattoo motive over the entired backs of 10 peoples. My work was and is published in hundrets of magazines and books all over the world and even that i retiered as a tattoo artist my self i still cary on my legacy as living legend in this scene. This days i still host a tattoo art gallery in my place ‘psyland 25’ where some of my former tattoo students still work and create my style i his most origin way.
I am also very known for my art beside of tattooing. I published a few art books, a philosophical book about life (thhe box i call life) and i hosted exhibitions and art projects all around the world (usa, nepal, russia, australia, all over europe, …).
I still love to create digital art, designing logos and art, and work almost daily on my grafic program and with different skills of artmenship and craftmanship.
This days im a full time filmmaker and run multiple projects. With my project ‘dirty dreaz’ i won many awards and my films got screened on many filmfestivals around the world already.
I also run multiple youtube channels but mostly focuse on my own brand channel ‘lily lu’. There you can see many clips about different topics of my life and about a creative alternative life.
There would be much much more to tell but i keep it short here. When you curious fid me on google or check out my channel.
love and insanity
lily lu
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